RE:Letter to Trudeauretireme@2016 wrote: Some one with writing skills and good knowlege needs to write a letter on behalf of retirees etc. on the damages of shorting hedge funds and obvious naked shorting , on pensioners and retail investors and send it C/O Justin trudeau...He apparently replies to letters on Facebook.
YES!!!! ALL OF US NEED TO WRITE TO HIM and our new MPs. They are all ears right now (new guys syndrome).
And please 5 star good posts. poor retiremen@2016 has a 1/2 star rating! Deserves a lot more! :-)
The more noise us quiet, calm Canadians can make on this issue, the BETTER.
In the meantime, I'm busy buying. CXR now is live BTE 6 weeks ago. It was trading at $4 now trades at $6.5
CXR at 40 will be trading at 65 by xmas. The short attacks of this magnitude don't last very long especially as the media starts talking about it!