RE:RE:U.S.senate panel probing Valeant,Turing-drug costs ReductionYes, you are right for CXR.
Just I hope that all these investigations about drug price will finish as quickly as possible. Valeant has a high ability to integrate new business at once, but, it can take years to realize cost saving associated with this grow by acquisitions.
I hope this will be the only explanation for Valeant and all the sector will be high again.
humbledude wrote: Don't worry about it, CXR Mark Thompson said in his last friday interview that CXR 's drug price is still significantly lower than its peer.
According to CXR 2016 guidance, CXR 2016 US sales will be total 30-40% of CXR, of which 90% is from general public sector, and only 10% from government reimbursement. That translates less then 5% of their revenue will be affect by the US drug policy (if there are any).
After AMCo acquisition, UK is expected to responsible for 30-40% of CXR revenue.
Even if other big pharma to cut price drastically 10-20-30%. CXR still has margin to increase price by single digit.
How about that. huh?
healthstock1234 wrote: maybe after that, we will see all sector green