Predicting the reverse split on AEZ AEZSLet's focus on facts for a moment. FACTS are nice, they can be verified and used to see the see the clown acrobatics (fiction).
AEZ AEZS went a through a reserve split in May of 2012. They messed it up in that they only went from a 1:6 split which kept the shares sub $5 post reverse split. WAY too low.
The 1:100 is will VASTLY different this time.
But even with the mess up, the stock saw a 10% gain the next day. Back then earnings (or loses) were over 4x worst they are now and sales were lower. AND it wasn't as oversold as it sits today.
So people buy this 5-8 cents stock now (try to find a good entry point) and it will become a $5-10 stock. Above $5 a bunch of good stuff happens since large investors and institutional buyers who can't buy penny stocks will be able to buy it and it will get picked up as a IPO type of position. Only difference is that it's much better than an IPO!
The sharks only have a limited amount of time on this, once it reverse split, they will move to other targets.
Now, this is a risky stock. You could lose it all. Play with money you can afford to lose but the reward/risk ratio on this looks FABULOUS at these levels and point in time. You must be willing to put up with the short term volatility!