RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:I Ask Routhier what about marketing ..thise is twittMassive marketing is not a realistic goal for SIO at this time. SIO has to be surgical and precise on how they attack marketing. The strategy should be to show that, with limited and directed marketing, they can drive users and rentals to the point where one of the "big boys" comes in and can take us to the next level. From what I've seen they have done a great job of getting LG to promote to existing 3DTV owners. I am surprised the results have not been bigger, but I expect to see bigger results over these next 2 quarters as 3DTV sales ramp up. New 3DTV owners are by far the most active in exploring what apps are available for their new TV. And on LG, at least, if you look for anything 3D related to are bombarded with 3DGO ads and links. As the big Black Friday and Christmas sales come in we should see a similar spike in users and rentals. We'll see whether they are enough to spark the interest of the big boys or not.