RE:Most obvious undervaluation parameter...I cant take issue with anything you say plilong, in fact i agree with almost everything u say. Where we differ perhaps is the fact that i am IN this in a big way because of that value disconnect because i believe that the value will be unlocked given the current path.
I am gonna go out on a limb and predict this stock closes up meaningfully tommorrow, perhaps even testing previous all time highs. I think u will get very positive morning updates from the major analysts outlining recent process and this latest deal. I just cant imagine how PL could have done this Omnio deal if the efficacy data wasnt compelling. And if it truly is, then we are going to see meaningful target revisions upward similar to cannacords. Its exactly these kinds of real and tangible steps forward with compelling evidence, that is going to bring both industry and institutions IN..... which will eventually close the valuation gap you so eloquently described
i would add, despite the well documented over optimism Pierre has exhibited, we wouldnt even be having this discussion if he werent such a visionary to bring this all to fruition