RE:I agree Newbern
PTA spent the last 2 years gathering assets just to give it away at a loss..........doesn't make any sense. With 21M in the bank and 3-4 k bbls/day they could weather this something stinks EXACTLY silverT They do all this, while they let the stock price sink, then they have a consolidation, then give it away.WHY. We can only speculate. I hope I am wrong but I think this offer will get pushed through. They knew they had enough shares in control with the right people to get it done, when the deal was announced. Another thing, GTE will have over 300 million shares when this deal is done. They make another acquisition, and maybe they will have a share consolidation,or they could have one after this deal is done, and here we go again. In my opinion we have the deal we are going to get, and even if it is sweetened some what, from my perspective I will still have lost a lot of money. Like a said my no vote, will be irrelevant, I will take my cash and the portion of GTE shares I have to take, and then sell them. Just a bad investment. Read more at