RE:Defenceless peopleIt's pretty sad that a corrupt "un"organization like these ISIS dummies think that the world can still be taken over by people who hijack a religion, and cut some people's heads off to strike "fear". Cmon. Who believes in this fear??? The only thing that scares me is how stupid these people are.....
When your kill ratio is 129:11 in an attack you knew was coming and the unarmed innocent people didn't, you should probably pick a new hobby. Not only is that act of violence disgusting, but that's flat out embarrassing. Those poor innocent people were essentially killed by a few brainwashed, incompetent retards. Which is all that ISIS has. If these people were brilliant, then their own people would have organized a decent regime in the FIRST FEW THOUSAND YEARS of their existence. I can't believe these human beings have faith in themselves after sucking so badly for so long. These people couldn't even assemble a decent governing body BEFORE THE USA WAS EVEN DISCOVERED. They're whiners. End of story. Actually, maybe that's the answer. Maybe they've sucked so long at everything, they can't take it anymore.
To carry out an angry attack like that, I have a feeling that someone has hurt them where it hurts the heart of their stupidity. Honestly, the prototype dummy they think they killed this week wore black in the desert. Brilliant.