Note to not4anytmore and other unintelligibles7 months of Winter there? So what? Folks in wonderful Calgary are still scraping their auto windshields on May 19th every "Spring.": Fort Mac is no longer a "lonely Northern outpost," it has a pop.'ion of over 25,000, lots of amenities, incl. regular fliights to sunny Mexico. Methinks the o.sands companies "looking to cut costs" are still running the 2 weeks on-2 weeks off dudes friom Newfie-land; co, pays for those 26 flights to St,. John's for home-sick Newfies. I want a job where I get 26 weeks; paid vacation "flights home to New-fie. Not necessary for you die-hard CNQ share-holders where Nfld. Unemployment is almost 15%.
Yours sincerely, the unintelligible Uchuck.