letsgetreadyI'm curious, have you actually talked to Ben? You were bragging about the fact he was sitting beside Giffy at the Town Hall
But have you talked to Ben in the last day or so? Have you asked him any pertinent questions? Ha, would you know what to ask him, lol.
Or do you just assume he is peaches and cream?
How about Olga, you talked to her?
Basically, Giffy's slate is just a group of dysfunctional misfits who have abolsutely nothing to offer that would assist FCU in any way whatsoever.
If you and others wish to dream on, enjoy your dreams and whatever fantacies that you might share with others equally fooled by Giffy .
So have you talked to Ben in last few days, what did you ask him, and what his answer? I be interested. He is actually a nice fellow, nothing to offer FCU, but still a nice fellow.
But 'eck, I'm a nice fellow too. And I certainly would have lots to offer to assist FCU, and already have as the mine plan page 4 of the November presentaion is almost identical to the one I gave Dev and Ross and FCU last PDAC, also in the RPA report. You helped on anything like that?
And I have just recently within the last few days discovered that the dyke contruction equipment and all the up to date techniques that will be used to construct the A21 dyke at Diavik, the 3rd dyke, will come available just in time to be used to construct the dyke around R780.
You done anything like that to assist FCU? Just curious. Surprise me if you can, lol
Eager to hear you coversation with Ben.