RE:Peeking into my Nasty Bag of festering OIL stocks . . . There is certainly a part of me that agrees with you. However, pragmatically, at o.3 is an evaluation of about 11 dollars. Which is where I think COS is at this point, and what I see in the near future. I simply do not think OPEC is going to blink and nor are the shalers. It's not like we would be selling for 11 and walking away...I would keep SU for the long haul. I think there is equal upside with either COS or SU in the long term...but less risk in the short term if SU would acquire COS on a bit more friendlier terms. We have low oil, an NDP provincial government, and now a Liberal federal government that is focused on climate change. Last thing I want is protracted court battles and the like. I don't like what is happening, not at all, but my mouth is starting to go dry when I think about COS stock value after Dec 4th. I have not been weighing in on the conversation here as I was hoping IMO would jump in sometime soon with a bit better offer. With WTI hovering around 40 I don't think so. SU should come up a bit, and COS should ease off a bit. Retail investors are being caught in this game of thrones.