The Endo trial questions from ADCOM....I was told directly by the CEO of the "old ticker symbol" ( see Spectral, Trimel and Bioniche ) that the Endo trial failed because Mitomycin was a "poor option" for bladder cancer patients and therefore we had a "hard time" recruiting because 50% new drug ( Urocidin / MCNA ) or 50% Mitiomycin was NOT an appealing trial to enter....I bought that...
Now at the FDA meetings we're told that the trial went poorly because.."there was a shortage of Mitimycin"....interesting, so what was the reason...let's assume everyone is telling the truth and the answer was a "hybrid"...both
The TOXIC make-up of BCG and the EXTREME shortages of the drug were NOT discussed at ADCOMM...I too wonder why.
The US based LADENBURG THALMANN ( google Dr. Frost - health care investing ACE ) has not even had a chance to trade one of the 109MM shares...YET....I like this A LOT and believe this 3rd TAX LOSS SEASON TRAGEDY is no small COIN-CIDENCE
What do you think Beecher? ; - )