auditing 2012 and 2013Does this mean they will ask for even more money?
Oil Concessionaries, 500 Million USD Unjustified
The National Agency of Natural Resources claims that the concessionary companies exploiting the Albanian oil have reported unjustified expenses equal to 4% of the GDP only for 2011. “We have verified a figure mountin up to 500 million USD. This is related to the spending that companies have made irregularly and non transparently,” said the Chairman of the National Agency of Natural Resources, Dael Dervishi.
The Director of the agency says they are auditing the balances of 2012 and 2013, which could show even bigger figures. But how will they act for these financial claims? “If parties don’t agree with each other, we will have an independent expert resolving our disagreements. If we will not agree, we will go to international arbitrage,” Dervishi declared. September 15, 2015