shorts / Morgan Stanley / CIBC
When this stock was getting crushed by shorts many years ago, I specifically recall watching the various house trading patterns. Morgan Stanley and CIBC were two houses that seemed to be consistently very prominent on the sell side, making me think that whomever was aggressively shorting were doing so primarily thru those two houses
I find it interesting lately that both CIBC and Morgan Stanley have been prominent SHOWING on the sell side
I am candidly a little surprised that PLI isnt up 15 -20 cents today. I know we were told on the conference call that we were getting this news, and getting this data on 4050 ... and I have said he seems like a Cheshire cat right now. But we get told this mornign that they are going to present their first ever Human trial efficacy data , for a huge indication, at a major industry conference ??
Just saying, if my trial data was poor, or even average... I am not signing up for a major industry conference. IS it just me... OR is there not a fairly clear connect - the - dots here ??
I think the shorts are caught here. I think they were surprised by the Pg data, and the magnitude of the related opportunity. I think they are fighting for a pullback... and i gotta think they are looking to cover before this release. Karma boyz... C u Next Tuesday.