RE:RE:Email from TST management - November 19
Hurt, To your point that a prognosticator suggested that the FDA will assign Adcomm spots that will vote as they desire, I have some thoughts on how this may have transpired in Telesta's case;
If the FDA desired a NO, wouldn't the majority or all or "practicing urologists" voted NO making the ulimate denial irrevocable and beyond the bounds of appeal? They voted Yes. Those who did not properly interpret the question, within the confines of current AUA/FDA guidelines for approval voted NO. Despite the grand notion of 1 person/1 vote, the FDA can quite easily support MCNA on this indication or cakewalk it throiugh on a limited indication based on this fact alone. Those who fight in the trenches have no ammunition and they want and need MCNA as ammunition. At its core it is a simple concept.
Attempting to parse through the wording of a "respond but say nothing" email to shareholders is nothing more than a distraction, but a useful one depending on the users intent.