RE:Odds of approval now?
tson to me the answer to your question is three areas:
a) what does the science of MCNA suggest: IMO net-net safety and effcicacy approvable as 2nd line
b) can TST execs communicate the science of MCNA sufficiently well for approval; well AdCom result would suggest to me they could very well be "in-over-their heads" as i suspect they, within their level of competence, put their best foot forward for AdCom and failed to gain a yes vote
c) what will the FDA do; the FDA is IMO the most skilled human health drug agency in the world, but regulatory risk of approval increased mirror image to the cratering stock price...the FDA will weigh MCNA vs alternatives vs. need vs. llabel restrictions vs. whatever else they deem relevant (drug price actually not being one of them)
net net while IMO TST execs failed us miserably and unacceptably at AdCom (they had a silk purse and turned it into a lipsticked pig somehow) MCNA will be approved in late Feb in some way shape or form as a 2nd line.. the data and treatment environemtn IMO supports this