At some point we will seea loss of confidence in general equities and gold and silver will again find their true value.
We all know and understand the extremes some have gone to in an effort to create a mechanism to undermine the confidence people have in real money ie:gold and silver.
If you are like me and have a significant portion of your net worth invested in long term bets on REAL MONEY, you are likely suffering from at least 4 years of down down down.
As discouraging as that might be one must not loose sight of the reasons why we choose to not ride the wave of the artificial inflation of Stock Markets, but rather bet against these manipulators.
Over the last few years I have eaten a great deal of CROW from family members telling me their general equity investments are doing extremely well compared to my mining investments.
Yet, I sleep well at night and feel for them as they are sitting on a knife edge while I patiently wait for what can only be described as a bubble of epic proportions waiting to burst.
Yes, my investments have not done well....down some 30%. However, I am also the one that has removed himself from the control of the bankers and have no debt sitting over my head.
Owning companies such as First Mining is in my view positionning oneself for the major transfer of wealth that is coming.
I fully expect this company to continue progressing in potential as it completes more and more acquisitions into the mineral bank it is creating.