RE:Previously...Ice RoadOnce again -you miss the point and the issue here--matters not when ice road period is open --we need FN agreement and finance agreement in time before we begin to build ice road and plan logistics of moving equipmwent ,doing the bulk and transporting samples out to lab--thats why window closes on jan16--in order to get all your ducks in place for such a short season from feb-to end of march--ice roads ,dont just appear--they need to be planned and built--thatswhy the permit allows them to draw water fron the lake--your news release above is irrelevant to this fact-besides even if they received permit by feb 10-in 2014--they still needed FN Agreement and Financing which they didnot have--the news release only addresses fact of permit delay--not sure what point you are making in relation to this 2016 season