TST - Daytrader day = Unleashing full momentum! upside
Fellow Investors - As I predicted about the critical dump back in early Nov and late Oct for TST I have warned to all to sell and save ur coins and buy when it hits the low .20s again. This will close today .30 to .35cents and open next week at .40 or .45 but word at Montreal again is that they want this stock to hit .60 open at nov 30th. Please keep in mind that there are key individuals in higher places in government and financial institutions that need this Drug and it works so it will hit the FDA approval and others that didn't follow this stock from before was given another chance when it dropped. Again I told you all to buy now before it passes u buy and watch your profits and take it and mitigate your loses as usual. Please heed my call and watch as this stock hits the highs as fast as it dropped. Save and watch ur coins grow. its not the money its the drug and the people behind it making this to pass FDA.