Lets talk market
Who keeps capping the stock at 25 Canadian cents? Why would they do that? Is it in their best interest to keep the stock from rising? Does it make sense to show SUCH LARGE BLOCKS AT 25 c when allowing smaller numbers would encourage more buying? Could there be a agenda by cashtango00 and his 15 aliases like sgctruthman parksie stugots larrybrooks someday2 et al to keep a lid on the price.
Wht if those large bids are them thru mm's accumulating for the next run? Suppose Eric Coffin at Hard Rock Advisory along with several others mention the stock as a buy again at this level. What if that rec came at the approximate time the circular from the company arrives on share holders door steps. Would the likes of cashtango00 want you to own this security when it could move another 25 or 30 percent in the short term? Why would he/they when they have never ever encouraged buying this security at any price since they joined. But they are long! Are they just greedy pigs that hope you only buy the highs? Yes !!