The saturday review
I'm skeptical about the adequacy of the insiders buying for the benefit of the shareholders. It came from the same people who have consistently underestimated the pace of the development we have been experiencing this last decade. They losted my trust long ago....
The given..... Real uncertainties about this CEO has influenced me to be conservative.
......The catastrophic scenarios of losing any chance of invested returns.
......There is no mill, buying a mill, I think will never come.
......The real cost of a mill and think profit goes poof
Hence a true commercial production? Just another baited comment like the whole decade before. Here we are sitting this weekend in a state of PROVIDING only a few with any reward! Fact
The mass of the shareholders All under water.
the stock worth a fraction... in times of long ago dilution ...Please no NOT share the whole market is in the tank....this bone was buried long before this current event.
Regarding, the share holder meeting?...a moment for laughter....theirs upon us.