My applause go out to Peter Macy, Well doneOver a year ago, a group of investors purchased Windy hill and realized the margain potential of the indian gaming sector. These individuals just so happen to have banking and gaming experience and decided to go public inorder to scale the growth.
- In one year PYD has scaled from 216 machines to 2400.
- as a stock on the venture exchange PYD raised 12 million dollars in terrible markets
- PYD was able to secure Robert Miodunski ( A gaming expert ) to the board
- PYD was able to secure David Danziger ( A Public trading Expert) to the board
- PYD Secured loans for 4.5 million to expand further
With such a powerful board of directors and no need to further dilute the stock in order to expand, PYD can now grow to a larger scale with shareholders to gain.
My applause go out to Peter Macy who did not respond to all of the bashers and nay sayers, Who paid attention to the companies shareholders and has delivered success.
I do not know where the stock will go on monday and i personally dont care, I am long term PYD, i have been buying when the blood was in the streets and only see upside from here. Peter Macy was buying at .05 and so was I.
The more deals the management team secure before the end of the year the better numbers will be come april. The more Tawanka minimum payments deals are made the more the company can leverage from PDS.
This is not investing advice, do your own DD