OTCPK:EUCTF - Post by User
Post by
marketsenseon Nov 28, 2015 10:00pm
Post# 24335617
VisibiltySS, if everyone was as bullish as you are( and with good reason) EUO would be trading North
of .40 right now. The problem still is, that nobody else is aware of these developements except
the posters on this board and other holders who can't be bothered with posting. As of today,
EUO has virtually "O" visibility in the publics consciousness. If EUO is going to get even North
of .30, the visibility factor needs to raised by an extensive PR campaign funded out of some
the $16M cash they're getting. This would be an excellent use of some of it and would show a
high return for use of capital IMO. I understand that mgmnt needs to wait until the deal is
ratified by shareholders but after that there can be no excuses for failing to pound the table.
While SIPCA may be private, EUO is not and its visibility needs a lot of lifting.