RE:Very interesting articleGreat article!!. Thanks for posting. Pity none of the players released this information from the start. Especially noteworthy "The company notes that Kennecott has already collected 124,700 feet, or 23.7 miles, of drill core samples from the area. Talon says those samples tell geologists that there are more than 10 million tons of mineable ore in Section 3". (Section 3 is the area where they have done most of their drilling and have found the highest grade ore) Why didn't anyone release this information before? That's tremendous news!!! Only explanation that I can think for keeping it quiet, is that Kennecott didn't want to advertise this yet, until they find out more precisely how extensive the mineralization is, in case they need to expand their lease area under control. Note in the article, they just leased more land 2 miles south of section 3. (But then why would they finally give out this information to John Myers the writer of the article?) In any case we know this now. Very exciting and encouraging.