I watched the Presentation....The high grade copper corridor looks really impressive.
The 2 holes by Hudbay along with TB-01 by Rockcliff ALL hit exceptional mineralization.
The vertical widths were 3 to 12 meters and they all all hit fantastic grades of Cu, Zn, Au and Ag.
And when you look at it you see that there could be over 500 meters of strike there.
Their drill plan for 2016 includes 2 holes in the corridor to prove continuity on the Hudbay holes and also extend the strike length.
The mineralization is Deep but so valuable at those grades that it would certainly be mine worthy even at today's metals prices.
They are now calling the Northern Anomaly the Northern Copper discovery. That's because they acually hit some copper and it ain't anomalous. I guess they were just checking it out because they didn't drill very deep. I'd like them to put a couple deep holes in there.
I see they are going to spend 1/3rd of their drill budget on Rail. That's great for Lapierre because everything's De-Risked for Lapierre. It's ALWAYS been de-risked for Lapierre. He gets paid $15K a month now and he's always gotten paid whether he accomplishes anything or not and since Rockcliff started it's always been NOT.
Ken, there's a MINE at Talbot and that's what you said you always wanted. You said you wanted to go from exploration to MINING. You can do it with Talbot.
Spend the money on Talbot and become a Mine Finder.