Thanks Mustang. Right now CGC is the name brand but not yet the emerging winner. However, they are the early choice of where to funnel some of the early sells. What is going for them is the ability to buy smaller players. So having said that, it puts them in a position to become 'a' dominant player (not 'the' dominant player). Client base and generating revenue backfill the strength of the story. Now just a matter of watching the balance sheet to see how they manage their numbers as they grow (and do they keep growing, maintain a certain pace to growth, etc.). Indeed, certainly best potential out of the gate. But front runner can be caught. They could have a mis-step and lose ground. I know about that all to well (have taken plenty of lumps along the way on stories that seemed to be great, only to get derailed by unforeseen and outside forces). I am relatively new to the space, however, from my initial assessment I have given more attention to CGC, APH, and GLH (for disclosure I have started a position in GLH). For sake of time and to wrap up this reply, I will get to your question in another post later.