the future for bankers hinges on the results of the auditThe business model will not work if Bankers has to pay a minimum of $57 million more in taxes each year going forward....that amounts to aggravated financial rape. News clips have indicated that they are currently auditing 2012 and 2013. If the 2012 "independent audit" works out, likely the morons in the tax department will put away their guns. If not then Bankers will have to move on as they will be caught in the precarious position of trying to develop the field without the necessary free cash flow to do so. And unless the Albanians have an end game of operating and developing the field themselves attracting an international operator will be very difficult seeing how they treated a highly professional and responsible developer and operator. The Albanian government is comprised of a bunch of jaded morons that simply cannot see the forest for the trees. Even pulling off this stunt at this point in time with crude at just over $40 per BBL is ample evidence of that. Hope the audit silences these morons once and for all