Name names on the Mgmt Team While We Wait
While us Bulls wait patiently for all the positive events, knowing this is at least a 12.40 SP in 12 mos, we need to hold management team accountable.
What I'm suggesting is naming names on the mgmt team rather than vaguely referring to them as "mgmt team". Reason being we know that they, along with IR, check out these forums religiously. When their names are associated with disgruntled investors and bad news, they will be more motivated to correct the ship:
CEO:Chris Lloyd
Chairman: Harry Fleming
CFO: Kenny Klein
Clinical: Kenny Efird
Previous CEO: Donald Kramer
This is a huge blackeye for Chris Lloyd and Kenny Klein as they failed to see this delay and even more so, to effectively manage it. I'm hearing that Lloyd is quickly losing confidence within Nobilis. Kenny Klein has been doing this long enough to not bungle this so badly. Fleming and Kramer have too many outstanding shares, and they are still very actively lighting matches behind the scenes. We need to call out Harry Fleming to resume a role more forefront to correct this ship.