Turkey's Gas Importsare being severely threatened by the dispute with Russia. Today you have this news, which you would think would be positive for in country gas company's as the Turkish gov. should want to fast track all in country projects with posible $ assistance to try and become as energy inddependent as possible as soon as possible. VLE should approach gov about being the partner they are looking for the additional drilling....... btw: I am showing just over 5k shares for about $2k traded so far today,
World| Wed Dec 9, 2015 7:31am GMT
Iran halves natural gas flow to Turkey - Haberturk
Iran has halved the volume of natural gas flows to Turkey, citing an increase in domestic consumption due to severe winter weather, Turkish newspaper Haberturk reported on Wednesday.
It said the daily gas flow of some 28-30 million cubic metres had fallen to around 14-15 million cubic metres as a part of the move.
Turkish energy officials were not immediately available to comment.
(Writing by Daren Butler; editing by David Dolan)