RE:RE:Fellow Investors - TST long and Short Coins FDAsTST posted that article purchased from Seeking Alpha to show something to investors hahaha that feed on NRs.. Like I said retails are the last to know in stock critical Intel. An insider buy will not make a dent in SP when the masses of retails are selling and dominated by fear and other economic conditions. Other biotechnology stocks are on the uptrend and already has potential uptrend and commercializations. TST yes will pass FDA but I assure u it will not be a swift decision. TST is not the only player in niche market for drugs.
This is a Venture Exchange folks risk and rewards are critical calculations and if your well put and up to date with Intel,you would have been playing this stock properly and not so soaked up in following each move and worrying.. Get on Nasdaq and other key exchanges for real plays but if you don't have the power please beware..