RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Just pointing this outIt's trading where it should be honestly...Profit is flat yoy and eps is flat and maybe ever so slightly down yoy...and rev. grew at 33% yoy with fx helping out and increased spending in sales/g& it's def. converging to industry growth rate but is fairly well positioned for the future in this industry. As long as rev. growth doesn't slip below the industry or spending REMAINS HIGH...this should be average and is trading at a reasonable level...there's no more execs to leave and even if they did it wouldn't be as big as shock as before likely. So ya...longterm hold but obviously watch closely for any others warning signs but it should be fine from here. And if it dips to 9 or whatever THEN I'll buy more...hits 11 no way, too scared. The hype for this before was clearly WAYYY overblown by everyone, so lesson, don't listen to anyone in the banking industry cuz they are full of shiit. Read Peter Lynch;s one up on wall street and "Hedge Fund Market wizards" books and you'll do fine over the long run. (even check out the "tale of the terrible market timer" on cnbc, shows in the long run you will be fine with buy and hold of a well diversified portfolio. GOOD LUCK everyone! (also I was doing some regressions on agg. portfolios on P/E or P/Div. and on average high values do NOT end up predicting future growth rates in dividends or returns usually, but low values do predict fairly good returns....makes sense but again this was on aggreg. port. made up of these so individual stocks can be AMZN and NTFLX clearly lol...