Ride It outIthaca is doing everything right as we speak. I believe they just keep it as tight as they can and finish the FPF-1 as planned and get it set up at the field. We are talking 7 months from now before oil will flow at Stella and in 7 months much can change. Maybe oil is lower or maybe oil is higher ......... who knows but one thing for sure is that they have to continue with the plan. I know it looks bad out there but there will be a point when this swings the other way and when that starts to happen .................. it might be a nice steady ride back to a level where Ithaca can make a good dollar. We will at that point be a very low cost producer and that is exactly what you want to be. Many companies no matter what they do will never be in a position to be a low cost producer like Ithaca. Ride out the storm folks.