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Primary Symbol: CRH

CRH PLC is a provider of building materials solutions. The Company integrates building materials, products, and services by providing them to customers as complete solutions. Its segments include Americas Materials Solutions, Americas Building Solutions, Europe Materials Solutions and Europe Building Solutions. The Americas Materials Solutions segment provides solutions for the construction and maintenance of public infrastructure and commercial and residential buildings in North America. The Americas Building Solutions segment manufactures, supplies, and delivers solutions for the built environment in communities across North America. The Europe Materials Solutions segment provides solutions for the construction of public infrastructure and commercial and residential buildings to customers in construction markets in Europe. The Europe Building Solutions segment combines materials, products, and services to produce a range of architectural and infrastructural solutions.

NYSE:CRH - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by FootballFan1on Dec 14, 2015 5:38pm
Post# 24383589

How Much Did CRH Pay For Macon Gastroenterology...?

How Much Did CRH Pay For Macon Gastroenterology...?
I believe this topic was mentioned in a previous thread, but I don't believe anyone found the answer to the question......I find it unacceptable that a publically-traded company would announce an acquisition and not indicate how much was given in compensation for said acquisition (according to the press release, "The purchase price for the transaction was funded with cash on hand", but it does not seem to state how much was paid for the acquisition).....CRH seems to run other aspects of their business in a very professional manner, but this is troubling........
Bullboard Posts