OTCPK:EUCTF - Post by User
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zenvestingon Dec 14, 2015 11:21pm
Post# 24384370
Playing Monday Night Quarterback on BNN interview
Playing Monday Night Quarterback on BNN interviewI agree Bruce is well spoken and think he did an excellent job of explaining the technology within the context of the interview, to explain how the technology is used to Follow the Money Through Oil Tagging to a new audinece who is presumeably unframiliar with the company and technology, but where he spends a lot of time talking up the Isreali technology and SIPCA's market presence in the authentication industry....I wish he would have been a bit more assertive in explaining our company's strengths through having established these relationships!
3:25: Interviewer: "Isn't that your main business you sold to them?" Bruce says yes and goes on to explain the benefits of the agreement, but I think it would have been better for him to explain that while GFI was the "main" revenue generating business, Xenometrics who makes the EDXRF scanners is our "main" technology platform, from which the company is developing other applications in the fields of authentication and quality control for various other industries (i.e.: XwinSys and Petromark).
5:25: Interviewer: "What kind of sales are you likely to post in the years to come?" I realize Bruce needs to choose his words very carefully here not to create unreasonable expectations, but wish he could have been a little more direct in explaining that GFI's current clients are small potatos and if SIPCA can bring them a client from one of the larger subsidized oil economies of the world that the royalty to GFI could be bigger than all their current revenue streams combined.
Again, with all due respect to Mr. Rowlands, I titled this post Monday Night Quarterback because I realize I have the benefit of hindsight and time for contemplating the questions, overall Bruce gave a great interview and was very fluent and relavent to the big picture BNN viewers tuned in to learn about.
On the subject of needed exposure, I never said I would not like it and meant no disrespect to marketsense for posting contradictory points to his cries for more PR, but I just had reasobable doubts about how comfortable SIPCA would be about Bruce talking up what is now their technology......so I am encouraged to see this first step torward in increaxing exposure for the company's yoyalty stream and exclusive Xenometrics relationship and am hopeful there is more to come!