Website and beyondOnce all the bugs are worked out of the site and everyone is able to see it there may be some value transfer to the stock. I still cant get the pdf to work for the formularies. That being said, I do agree with Dart that there are only so many games to watch and Health care will be one of the hot sectors for 2016. I am not sure where all the shares come from that have been hitting the market over this past month. I was however happy to add more shares at $.27. I love to think that the down side risk here may be 1-3 cents but upside potential is 10X. With the number of shares the longs have accumulated, I am excited to see where this goes. We all owe a little gratitude to Smith for putting his money where his mouth is. 400000 shares is a boat load. I was told early in my share trading days to never never never fall in love with a stock. She / it will disappoint you like a childhood girlfriend. As the love wains to almost nothing and the bashers beat on our doors demanding our shares for cheap we persevere and eventually after we mortgage our soul to keep true to our commitment to the girlfriend she matures and eventually pays us back for our support. That day is near my friends. Cheers to all Longs and thank you for your tireless DD.