RE:RE:RE:RE:This is worth repeating over and over....Not me BC.But then I never believed in all this electric-solar nonsense anyway.My wife has solar powered lawn ornaments,and I find myself replacing batteries every year so how is that good for the environment?..I use the 'energy efficient ' bulbs with the pigtail shaped bulbs..only to find that they contain mercury...another big plus for the environment.
How about the remote starters on the cars??People let their cars idle forever in winter so they dont get their fat asses cold..another big environment plus ........I'm on a roll here.......speaking of fat asses ..instead of people getting out of their cars to walk 50 ft..they instead sit on said fat asses and wait with cars idling ,at restaurant drive-thru' they can stuff their fat faces with a dozen donuts.Solar power is heavily subsidised(translation means money losing) .What happens with the hybrid or full electric cars batteries when the wear out??What exactly is the environmental impact involved in replacing these ..or refurbishing them?? Why do we still have to replace our shingles every 15-20 years when that all goes to the landfill??Cant noone invent an affordable material for all the masses? What's this mandatory snow tire BS?? They talk about mild winters and in the same breath tell us to fill our garages with tires that are only needed 1 month a year?? WTF?? And what happens with those the landfill they go ...another major environmental issue.It goes on and on doesnt it?
This is just a rant to relieve pet peeves of mine.I hope noone minds but thats what I feel like lately when I see news reports on energy.....sheer hypocrisy ..and endless commentary on useless media ,by useless nitwits that werent old enough to shave 10yrs ago.The commentary that I read on this board is much more informative.
By the way good to see BNK shareprice back up a little.