RE:The GDXJ Will Rebalance on Dec. 18th EDV Part of the GD anddaniel52 wrote: Currently EDV makes up 1.09% of this EFT for small gold miners.
Under the reweighting EDV will make up 1.46%, an increase of 0.37% or about 700,000 shares of EDV must be bought by GDXJ for this reweighting.
Only about 300 shares of EDV traded on the U.S. market today.
You seriously think that they will be buying all their 700k shares on December 18th !!!. What do you think they have been buying for the last few months (do you know, "Instinet", "ITG", "Other" etc.) ???
And, where did you get this info. Was it just a "wet" dream that you dreamt !!
Lolololol !!!