RE:LVL's Deal with ESTE: Good PremiumNot sure where u come up with a premium of 50%. The stock was trading for 30 cents cad. The offer equates to 50+ cents USD! Converted it's more like 70 cents cad although your now tied to hip with how earthstones stock in the us trades. That's why this thing spiked up to 65 early on. Lvl has good assets in the right jurisdiction but their back was against the wall. Loc borrowings were near tapped. There is no competing offer coming, this is a completed hail Mary for current shareholders. Enjoy the ride and buy some stock here if you are modestly constructive on oil or earthstone stock. A relatively low risk arb opportunity. As full disclosure, I used to own a long time ago but long since sold (around a buck). Wishing I had bought it back after today....... congrats to the recent purchasers and those who toughed it out from higher levels.