RE:Investor mindsetsI learned a long time ago that analyst have no clue. I watched years ago when that bubbling idiot on BNN Jim Carrigan kept telling investors to but Nortel which he said had a $40 target. When I sent him an email after Nortel went bust he just basically said that he was wrong and anyone can make a mistake. Tell that to the multitudes that considered him a knowledgeable analyst and bought Nortel on his constant pumping. I believe analyst purposely pump a stock so their companies can rid holdings at a higher price and vice versa buy at a lowere price. Pump and dump over and over. TD deserves a lot of heat on this matter since they seem to be most active regarding BNK over the last year. Anyone one of us could of did the same thing, anyone can tell you the weather when they look out the window. Do your own DD and forget analyst, they are just not right most of the time.