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Co2 Solutions Inc COSLF

CO2 Solutions Inc is a Canada-based firm engaged in the development of proprietary technologies for capturing and producing of carbon dioxide. The company is focused on commercializing an enzyme-based technology for efficient CO2 capture from various industrial flue gasses for reuse or sequestration. The company's technology has various industrial applications, such as enhanced oil recovery, pulp and paper, water treatment, greenhouses, beverage carbonation, and other uses. Most of its revenue comes from the Canada market, while it also has a presence in the United States and European countries.

GREY:COSLF - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Comment by HyperCubeon Dec 20, 2015 8:42pm
Post# 24399976

RE:RE:WDR dont take that wrong

RE:RE:WDR dont take that wrong If by the "cucumber business" you mean the project at St-Flicien, it isn't obvious that any money will have to be raised for that. The client can easily finance the project. Also at the last annual shareholder meeting the CEO of CO2 solutions said that they would be interested in non-dilutive financing next year. So even if the client doesn't want to pay up front for for the CO2 absorber, it might be financed simply by a bank loan.

M101 wrote: So I think were going to be in the cucumber business and we're going to need to raise about 2.5M for that. Bon apetite. 

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