RE:IWRSCheck out Buffet and his mentor Graham. I tell you, Dividends every 3 months or in certain cases (eg. Chorus aviation) monthly! I have nothing against spec stocks- I have a few of them in addition to TST - but if you cannot afford to lose your risky investment, you cannot afford it. Why else does CIBC trade near $100 and TST is 30 cents? And never margin spec stuff. Not only will you lose on the investment but you also still owe the money.... and have no investment to pay for it. Not only does this "conservative" style work for me, but millions of other "conservative" "old" investors.... funny how the young ones think they know a better system when the "old conservatives" have virtually all the money. But yes, TST will make money. Have no fear, be patient and don't be greedy. NowRetired.