$82 millionsDrilling money for 4 years, by end of that uranium price is double, and if FCU resource doubles, wow
Even Pamps may be converted, lol
Teevee, no hope
Others borderline
If things get a bit tight over there at NXE, can give them, a loan, lol, buy them some new sharp drills to drill thru all that rock before they get to deposit.
By contrast at Fission, the 50 meyters of overburden is actually drilled with an auger as its just glacial till, and cased as they go down, then they pull the auger, and are imediately drilling pure uranium, lol
Quite a different kettle of fish to NXE, which wears out 1/2 dozen sharp drills just getting down to the deposit.
Now I will give them some credit for angle drilling with steerage off same hole from part wasy down. Does save time, money and drill bits
Every bit counts, little pun there, lol, cheer up Pamps