RE:lots of news in 2016 to look forward toGreat presentation joth. Glad you saved the best to the last - the PGX platform. The fact that CZO is investing in a commercial-scale facility for PGX tell us that this game-changing technology is ready for prime time.
joth41 wrote: 1. How will Q4 look- likely wont know officially until April but i note that Zack updated revenue in Nov to 3.1 million which would be great- another hint may come from whether or not they choose to pay interest on their convertible debs in shares- i believe they would have to press release that by end of year if they did. Payment in cash and therefore no announcement would raise my hopes the Q4 generated good cash flow.
2. The beta glucan project impregnated with CoQ10 using PGX was expected to take a year as i recall so we should hopefully get an update soon. Could be a new product.
3. A new avenanthramide extract from malted- they have done 3 successful batches of extract and now we wait for safety and efficacy testing. A new product for existing markets so uptake could be fast.
4. Pepsico- and food applications. It is obvious that they are interested in avenanthramide and sponsoring 2 trials, one of which Ceapro has also mentioned. Got to think they are working together although it has never been mentioned in a news release. What a great partner that would be for food applications.
5. The PGX platform- i saw ads Ceapro was hiring engineers for this project so that is a good sign. What i would really love to see is an announcement that one or more of the multi-national collaborations moving to the next level- the broad scope of this technology is very exciting
"Company poised to fully leverage its proprietary enabling technologies to enter well established and growing markets"
I think the above heading from Q3 news release sums it up good. If a couple of the above are positive, 2016 will be great.