Mr. Mariner: A couple of predictions to cheer you1) When Mr. Hinse announces the extension of the milling agreement with Usine Camflo, he will declare "Commercial Production" effective for the quarter incepting 1/1/16. 2) Profits, yes profits, for the quarter ending 12/31/15 will be $1,675,000. If you check back with my October 1st (?)posting regarding expected Q1 profits, you will see that it was appx 100K too high. Even if the $1,675,000 prediction as above is too high by $200K, that is a considerable profit for a company with a $10M MC. 3) Mestrallett's purchases on 11/15 were "purpose (timing) driven" versus price sensitive. He absolutely, positively needed to acquire those shares on that date regardless of price for reasons we, the shareholders, have not yet learned. He could have easily legged into that position without making such a splash. His purchase was 46 days prior to Q/E. Is that coincident with some blackout period? Who knows? Tomorrow, the 45th day may be met with an announcement of some sort. Please be aware that I am presuming the above (making up). There are not too many reasons for his rush to buy raising the price to $0.05. I hope that the above raises your spirits some. Best to all in the New Year. Sherm