ReflectNow that Christmas has passed against my better judgment I feel compelled to comment on your statements some of which seem to be directed in my direction and perhaps give you some things to “Reflect on” over the New Years Weekend.
“We don’t know who these Commie Investors are; they could be war criminals”. War is a nasty business and without exception everybody involved commits “war crimes”.
Who the “Criminals” are is a matter of “Perception”. For example, if Germany had prevailed in WW2 the British, American and Canadian Commandos and Spies that snuck behind enemy lines to ambush German troops and/or blow up/sabotage stuff and their Commanders up to the highest level not to mention members of the various Resistance groups in France etc. would have been “Perceived” by the Germans to be “War Criminals”
The Allies prevailed so the “Boot” so to speak was on their foot and we “Perceive” them to be “Hero’s”. “War Criminals” always seem to be found among the losers.
“Freedom Fighter / Martyr” or “War Criminal / Terrorist” is matter of “Perception” and ultimately who wins.
Occasionally over time the “Perception” changes. Knowing Canadian History as well as you do you are aware that although Louie Riel was hung in Regina as a “Terrorist / Enemy of the State” he is “Perceived” to be a Hero particularly in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta.
**I am NOT justifying anything just pointing out that “Perception is in the eye of the beholder”. China; I was going to remind you of some of the inflection points re. China and its historical interactions with the Western World beginning with the Opium Wars. You claim to know your history so it would be a waste of time. The Chinese have excellent memory’s and a well earned mistrust of the Western World.
Modern China; There is no doubt that China Has a Very Strong Central Government that by our standards is very restrictive. That said most people would be surprised at the amount of Democracy and Minority Rights that exists. Democracy has been gradually increasing since the days of the “Cultural Revolution”. Chairman Mao and “The Gang of Four” lost their influence in 1976. Being the “history buff” that you claim to be you no doubt understand that China is a very large Country with a very large population (worlds largest) comprised of a very large number of different Ethnic, Religious and Cultural groups. Without a Strong Central Government (such as it is) China would most likely be a cluster of several smaller “Tribes” that have historically taken turns Slaughtering, Pillaging and Raping each other.
You don’t have to look far to see what happen when Strong Central Governments (such as they were) collapse.
Yugoslavia collapsed, the Balkans Balkanised and the traditional Slaughtering, Pillaging and Raping amongst the “Tribes” resumed with a vengeance.
Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen to name a few are country’s that for the lack of Strong Central Governments have regressed into what is essentially “Tribal Warfare” with the able assistance/encouragement of various Foreign Powers with agendas.
I mentioned in a previous post that recently China had a 4 decade or so experiment with socialism that failed. They have embarked on an ambitious plan to transform their economy to improve the standard of living of their citizens. They are making progress but it will take a very long time and problems have and will be encountered along the way.
Human Rights; There is no doubt that the Central Government in China has and continues to use their Military and Para-military forces to suppress unruly / rebellious citizens or groups.
Correct me if I am wrong but did not Pierre Elliot Trudeau invoke the “War Measures Act” in 1970 to supress a group of rebellious Canadian citizens known as the “FLQ” that were “Perceived” by the Provincial Government of Quebec and the Central Government of Canada to be “Terrorists and Enemies of the State”?
More recently was there or not an armed conflict between the Mohawk Nation and the Quebec Provincial Police at Oka Quebec in 1990? Was it Canadian Military troops that ultimately relieved the RCMP that had relieved the QPP or have I imagined that?
Has the Central Government and / or State Governments of the USA on numerous occasions deployed National Guard Troops to suppress groups of unruly or rebellious citizens or not?
As we speak have the Governments of basically all Western Countries Including Canada been passing laws that increase their ability to encroach on the Privacy of their citizens and incarcerate them or not?
In the West these methods are justified by our Governments as necessary to maintain Law and Order and protect us from Terrorism. When the Central Government of China and many other countries use these methods they are viewed by us as Human Rights Violations.
By our standards China is certainly not a Political, Social, Economic “Paradise” but it is evolving.
“A Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins With One Step” It’s well known that anything manufactured in China is produced by people that in the “Best Case” work very long hours for very little in wages and benefits and their living standards are very low compared to ours. The “Worst Case” is people working in “sweat shop” conditions that are compared to “Slavery”. China is NOT the only place in the world where these conditions exist! In fact, similar conditions exist in some parts of North America and always have.
Essentially any time we buy anything Made in China or that contains parts Made in China we are financially supporting the “Evil, Commie Government” in Beijing as you refer to them.
If you wish to maintain the “Moral High Ground” (walk the walk) you need to go through all your stuff and get rid of anything Made in China or containing Made in China parts and personally boycott China. You can start with your Computers and Cell Phones. Good Luck!
The Lenders; If you take off your “Shareholder Hat” and look at LRE from the Lenders “Perspective” it will be clear why they are doing what they are. As it turns out I have a position in BNS. As a BNS shareholder I expect them to use all means available to protect my interests as a shareholder. The same will apply to anybody with shares in any of the Lenders.
The Offer; It’s Capitalism! These Investors whoever they are have identified an opportunity and are acting on it. The price offered is simply a function of the current market conditions (Supply and Demand). As I pointed out in a previous post there is currently a huge amount of assets for sale in Western Canada and not much demand.
Huge Supply x Low Demand = Low Prices Some are questioning why the investors are currently unknown. In Chinese Culture “Face” is very important. If the “Gweilo” (foreign devil) Lenders reject them it could be viewed as a “Loss of Face”, a public embarrassment these people would prefer to avoid if it comes to that.
There is no way to know what the Institutional/Professional Investors think of this offer. Unlike many Retail Investors they have a good grasp of reality and make “pragmatic” decisions.
If they are going to exert some pressure, they will wait until the Lenders sign off if they do. Until then there is no point.
Conspiracy Theory; You seem to think that there is a multilevel conspiracy between LRE Management/BOD, the Lenders, the unknown purchasers and you have recently added the Analysts all dedicated to defrauding the LRE shareholders. Why not throw in “The House of Saud” for good measure. If I was making a “conspirators list” I would give them 1
st place!
I would think that the Institutional/Professional Investors are quite capable of recognising a “conspiracy” if there is one and “fraud” if there is any. IF this “proposed” offer actually gets to a vote and they accept it are you going to add them to the list?
Education; You have suggested that I am the product of a failed Canadian Education system. That’s a bit of a stretch. I am a “High School Drop Out” that didn’t actually spend much time there. I found it extremely boring so I chose to enroll in the “School of Life”. It’s a tough school but you learn your lessons well.
Part of my “education” was spending several months in the late 1980s wandering around SE Asia. I actually spent some time in Hong Kong and Macau before they were returned to China.
I am not a 5* tourist. Whenever I am in another Country regardless of where (Asia or Europe) I make an effort to learn about their History, Culture and Customs. I avoid the traditional Tourist spots, respect the Local Customs, Rules and keep my opinions to myself unless directly asked. You would be surprised at how much can be learned about a Country, its People and their “Perception” of the World and Canada by having an open mind, good manners and showing respect.
I would say that I am an “Advanced Student in The School of Life”, I haven’t Graduated (not dead yet) but I am Retired.
Due to my “Real World” education I suspect that I have good understanding of how the World actually works.
In conclusion; - Without exception everybody has “blood on their hands”.
- Money has no morals, respects no borders and all of it is “soaked in blood”.
- Capitalism is driven by Greed, Self Interest and Opportunity.
- Hypocrisy Runs Rampant!
As Always; Do Your Own Due Diligence; It’s Your Money !! PS: jollynik6 commented “IF CHINA AND INDIA DO WELL WE ALSO WILL”.
I agree. Empires come and go. It appears that the Global Economic Power is shifting from the west to the east. Canada has always had good Diplomatic / Trade relationships with India and for the most part China as well. When it comes to Diplomacy and Trade “building walls” is not productive. The winning strategy is to dismantle the walls one brick at a time.
For anybody that wants to understand Canadas History and our place in the world a good place to start would be the history of “The Hudson’s Bay Company”. Canada long before it actually became a country has always been a trading nation that exports natural resources. We have never done a good job adding value to our resources before exporting them.
PPS; Capitalism is “The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread” when we are on the winning side of a trade but “Sucks Big Time” when we are not….
(Hypocrisy in action)