GREY:ARWJF - Post by User
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ThurstonHowell3on Jan 06, 2016 1:08pm
Post# 24433801
gather around my children.
gather around my children.
Reality is even if arw received the 6 mill. My 1st thoughts is to do nothing simply sit on cash, minimize every expense, only pay listing fee's. It's obvious the lender(s) were/are waiting to see how crude trades. I will admit far worse than I ever could imagine. It's going to get worse...I never thought I would say " I see 20 bucks a barrel." If this is this case. Everyone, & everyone in any oil play is doomed. Reality, is arw is halted by iron, & bcsc. That means no more fee's, simply means arw is in the "penalty box." Maybe being in a penalty box, while the crude masicure continues, is the next best thing for arw. There are 1000's of Jr halted by the exchange. I'm am sure some will come back. Out of those, I am 100% certain arw will come back, even if it takes 2 years when crude is back over $80. This is far from over ARW will be there. Ps I have owed many stocks that failed to pay the exchange due to lack of cash, some companies it's happened twice in a year & half, only to hit all time high 6 years later. Do not forget....the world is upside down at our moment in time. If crude jumped 20 bucks in one month. I am sure many lenders will be running to CC. The dream is far from over. This is where champions are made. Real life "Rocky Balboa." We are bloodied on the mat. I actually love it. Because I know I/arw is getting up. Best of all in 2016:) off for the raw egg, & jog lol.