far to kindSo much for trying to hold Grr in at 8 1/2 even 9. When people who bought needs xmas money, now selling at 7 cents to pay off your visa. Not aware grr is among the best preformer on the venture, even on the tsx comp. GRR SHARE PRICE is even since last feb/march...untill someone needed to sell/clip grr at a loss or even. Looking back if I had a bid in at 5 cents you would hit that. thats where i will be bidding now. Hope you paid your min down on your visa..so I know you will be back...see you at 5 cents so I can buy another 600,000 shares cheap. had no idea people can get deperate selling stock at 8 cents from a buck forty lol once these odd lotters out of the way...when time is ready GRR is going pop. I'v done my DD.....I can see YRI buying out grr by the end of 2018, if not we can produce on our with a share price over 3 bucks by the end of 2018. good luck to all