RE:Zacks: Nobilis Health Corp - Strong Buy - Jan 7 Zacks: Nobilis Health Corp (NASDAQ:HLTH) Receives Consensus Rating of “Strong Buy” from Analysts
Shares of Nobilis Health Corp (NASDAQ:HLTH) have earned a consensus broker rating score of 1.00 (Strong Buy) from the one analysts that provide coverage for the company, Zacks Investment Research reports. One analyst has rated the stock with a strong buy recommendation.
Analysts have set a twelve-month consensus price target of $9.00 for the company and are expecting that the company will post $0.28 EPS for the current quarter, according to Zacks. Zacks has also assigned Nobilis Health Corp an industry rank of 43 out of 265 based on the ratings given to its competitors.
Shares of Nobilis Health Corp (NASDAQ:HLTH) traded down 20.65% during mid-day trading on Thursday, reaching $2.46. 1,240,498 shares of the company’s stock were exchanged. The company’s 50-day moving average price is $2.74 and its 200-day moving average price is $4.55. Nobilis Health Corp has a one year low of $2.15 and a one year high of $9.34. The company has a market capitalization of $174.40 million and a PE ratio of 34.17.