RE:The Jurors & Decision-Making Process..An Abbreviated VersionI`m curious about the way it all unfolds and how it affects the day to day share price. Our guy makes a five minute speech. Their guy makes a five minute speech. Our guy rolls out and questions his list of experts and witnesses. Their guy also questions our experts and witnesses. Our guy wants to keep it simple so it`s over in one day maybe two. Their guy brings out and questions his own lists of experts and witnesses. Our guy questions their experts and witnesses. In an attempt to muddy the issues their guy goes on and on for four or five days. Then both sides make a twenty minute speech in summation. The judge makes a speech giving instructions to the jury and off they go to deliberate. Have I been watching too much TV or is that the way it works? If this is accurate then the share price should go up on day one and two and down there after.