RE:RE:RE:USA investors are increasing positions dyod
Hi kijiji
Here is a chuckle for you.
(Examples all in $ US as of Dec23/2015)
LIQqour is more than oil.
When WTI was $36 it cost $0.83 a gallon:
Wine @ $15 a bottle was $75.71 a gallon and Vodka @ $20 a bottle was $100.94 a gallon.
My calculator blew up when I tried to compare a gallon of oil to Visine All-In-One Eye Drops
. They cost $12.20 an oz!!! (see below)
Buy the way, water was $1.30 a gallon. Maybe that is why oil floats on water. It's the cheap stuff. A can of Coke at a buck was $1143 a gallon
Can they frack oil to make booze?? It would be cheap raw material
For LIQ Longs sake, I hope we seen capitulation today and current mkt price is the base to work up from. It would probibly go green with a divy cut announcement. imho, 4% per year would be max. if I was paying any, Using a mkt price of $7, yeild is now ( approx} 15 plus%.!!
(VISINE (Original) EYE DROPS (1 oz) 30ml
Regular Price: $16.50
Our Price $12.20)