FUTURE?ILLIQUID?5 cent Defense?Large Shareholder Weak?EPL, along with many resource companies small and large is very questionable in this long term bear mkt for commodities, which will last several more years in a Deflation Enviroment.
Stock is basically Illiquid but there is a investment group, includes mgmt, based on history, that has formed a 4/5/5.5 cent defense, Could be overpowered if a lot of sell orders come in in a severe mkt drop.
Large Shareholder - FNR - V - 49 North - refer to their cash and financials and filings on Sedar and Auditors comments on Sedar under Emphasis of Matter on the last Full Audit - plus FNR has a number of illiquid investments and holdings, public, that are at their lows. Refer to daily volumes and daily prices on publci holdings? FNR needs cash, as outlined in the audit reports as part of the Investment BIZ model. Suggest FNR, based on financials and holdings is WEAK.
All and ALL EPL most likely will trade under 3 cents and go no bid along with many other stocks.
Suggest sell now and come back in under 3 cents. MGMT Team is good but question some of their moves, especially their involvement in OMM
All the above in my humble opinion and based on financial markets, Sedar Filings, state of the resource mkt , trading history and etc.